On Friday, Rachel and I made a birthday card for Helen. While Helen was at the grocery store, we went through her scrap-booking supplies and picked out materials for the card. We managed to finish the card before she got back.

On Saturday, I made waffles for Helen's birthday breakfast. We gave her her gift and her card. Then I put the chicken coop together. Later we went to Onesto for dinner.

On Sunday, Rachel and I went to the recycling center. We usually walk and pull a wagon, but this time we rode our bikes. We had the boxes that the chicken coop came in as well as the regular recycling so we had to make two trips. It was still quicker than walking and Rachel was proud that we rode almost 4 miles. I also mowed the lawn.
Originally we had all planned on going to Six Flags on Monday. But Rachel got invited to go swimming with a friend. I took A.J. to Six Flags and Helen had to stay home without anyone to keep her company.
A.J. and and I did strictly water rides. The Big Kahuna, Tornado, Wahoo Racer, Thunder River, Tidal Wave, Wave Pool, and Hook's Lagoon. We left the park to go to a late lunch at Pizza Hut. We had planned to go back but A.J. decided that we should just go home. He declared that it was the best day ever.